New website
21 Aug 2020 - saltytaro
Goodbye WordPress!
(You won’t be missed)
We have officially migrated the website off WordPress and now we are using Jekyll. Jekyll offers a way to manage and serve static sites without the need for a database, or janky CMS interface.
We are hosting the site on GitHub and modifying with the Netlify CMS workflow.
Some great advantages:
- Less code - styling the site the way we want it is much easier when we’re not slogging through WordPress’s slow interface to find the place to change. The site feels so much faster now too.
- Less compute - compute time on the Moonlapse server can now be dedicated entirely to the game. The site is served through GitHub now which will be way faster anyway!
- Easier version control - Modifications to the site and pushed to the GitHub repository and the site is rebuilt and updated on the fly. This lets us track all changes effortlessly.
- Open source! - ‘cause why not?